AKTUELL - Lectures & Talks

March 23 2024
Andrea Jäggi speaks at the transmortale XIII conference in Kassel

Conference program HERE

Organized by:
Museum for Sepulchral Culture
Institute for Empirical Cultural Studies at the University of Hamburg 
German Funeral Culture Foundation 

August 26 2023
Andrea Jäggi speaks at
Hallo, Tod! Festival 2023

Session on saying goodbye in institutional settings.
I would like to talk with you about the possibilities and together think, draw, imagine what we as mourners and relatives expect from the institutions and what we need or would wish to be able to say goodbye adequately and "well" to our deceased relatives and loved ones. Register here


May 23 – 26 2023
Andrea Jäggi talks about «fragile atmospheres – an exploration of body, object and space»
Workshop @ZHdK for
Masterstudents in Design
In this workshop we will learn to understand design as the creation of atmospheres. For this we will enter three atmospheres of fragility that we can encounter during our lives. In the sections psychiatry, retirement home and cemetery we will consciously experience atmospheres, describe them and design for them.


June 4  2023
Andrea Jäggi talks about «Farewellspheres – designing the last encounter»
at the 26th colloquium «Design promoviert» at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel for the
German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF)


May 14
farewellspheres intervention @auawirleben Theaterfestival in berne.

Andrea Jäggi-Staudacher will read from thanatological practice manuals and provide specific instructions on how to appropriately «design» the deceased. Meanwhile, visitors are invited to record notes, sketches and thoughts on paper and become part of Jäggi's experimental research work.

May 23 – 26 2023
«fragile atmospheres – an exploration of body, object and space»

Workshop @ZHdK for
Masterstudents in Design:
Product Design
Visual Communication
Interaction Design
Game Design
Knowledge Visualization

«As designers, we are significantly involved in creating a sense of well-being. Through our work, we help to determine how we feel in an environment. Especially in fragile life situations, the relevance of aesthetic work in relation to emotional experience is increasingly becoming the focus of (design) research. 

The question is not what the world we make looks like, but rather how it feels. „Moving away from assessing what you perceive to what you feel: Atmospheres.„* 

In this workshop we will learn to understand design as the creation of atmospheres. 

For this we will enter three atmospheres of fragility that we can encounter during our lives. In the sections psychiatry, retirement home and cemetery we will consciously experience atmospheres, describe them and design for them. The experimental field research will be supported by theory inputs as well as practical case studies by researchers from design and cultural studies and current studies from atmospheric research.»